The National Lucerne Trust

The National Lucerne Trust


The representative body for the South African lucerne seed and hay industry

It was established in 1952 as a controlling body but was recently transformed into a service organization for the lucerne industry. These services include the co-ordination of research projects, the collection and distribution of information, technology transfer, cultivar evaluation and the stabilization of the industry.

The mission of the NLT is to provide the best services possible to the industry to ensure the sustainable production of high quality lucerne seed and hay through continued research and technology transfer. Further the NLT wish to seek new applications for lucerne as well as broaden the market for producers by opening possible export markets.

For emerging farmers, it is relatively easy to enter the lucerne industry and produce their own fodder as well as create a positive cash flow by producing seed and hay. By ensuring that only the best quality lucern seed and hay is being produced, the industry will be more sufficient and profitable, also for the emerging farmer. The NLT seal of quality is being attached to all bags of tested seed and is the insurance to producers that only quality seed is being established.

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